Creativity As Therapy


If you follow me on social media, you will know that our family has had a very difficult couple of years. As we try to navigate the grief and shock, we all look for something in the storm to help us to steady ourselves.

I find myself being so thankful for the solace of creativity. I find myself painting and writing poems. It’s not what I imagined I would be doing, I have never written poems or painted so much in my life but doing both feels somehow like a safe place to hide. It helps my mind to still itself, albeit briefly.

There is reason we tell stories. There is a reason we get lost in the flow. If you are coping with something overwhelming in your life, it may sound small but try to pick up a pen or paintbrush. Write a little something. Sweep a brush across the page. I hope it helps.

New Brush Lettering Website

Anyone who knows me knows I love a project. I've been spending some time resetting my creative mind but find it difficult to do nothing! So I've been enjoying getting back into brush lettering. I went to some workshops a couple of years ago and wanted to remind myself how relaxing and meditative it is. A while ago I thought about writing an online course but had a rethink and decided to simply share what I've learnt for anyone else who wants to get started.

I created a little website to do just that. Please click on the picture below to take a look.