Kindred Studios Open House

The Kindred Studios creative community opened their doors today and I popped along to have a nose around. I was so absorbed that I totally forgot to take any photos of the artists' studios but you can find out all about them on their Instagram. The studios are in a huge converted Victorian school with high ceilings and white painted rooms that are flooded with light. I've never seen anywhere quite like it. I chatted to several of the artists who all talked about loving being part of a creative community and sharing their ideas. It felt like it should be a model that is followed in every town, a place that values and celebrates the creative industries and gives people a proper space to pursue their passions. Wonderful.

Podcast - Being Freelance

The Being Freelance podcast really inspires me. It's run by Steve Folland who chats to creatives about how they make being freelance work for them. I like listening to the episodes when I'm walking or commuting. Today I listened to an episode from October 2016 in which Steve chatted with Sarah Tasker, a Yorkshire based freelancer who has built a very successful career using Instagram. A great listen if you are just starting out on your creative journey or want to grow your creative business.

If In Doubt Create

I've been really inspired by YouTubers lately. When I was a teenager I loved making home movies. We used a massive clunky old video camera that you had to balance on your shoulder to film. Now you just need a phone and an idea. I filmed a few clips throughout January to play with and finally had time to cobble something together this weekend. It's my first real go at using iMovie and I have A LOT to learn but how brilliant is it that anyone with a phone and an internet connection can now make movies?

An Interview With J.K. Rowling

"I wish I knew where the idea came from... It just fell from my head. The first thing I saw was Harry..."

This interview came up as a memory on Facebook for me this week. It's a wonderful insight into J.K. Rowling's writing process and a peek at how children feel about the books. I have written the first draft of my first children's novel and am starting to send it out to agents so feel on the cusp of an adventure. The first thing I saw was my main character quietly sitting, observing. He was so clear to me. It feels so lovely to know this is how J.K. Rowling started too. It's amazing how creativity allows us to share the magic in our minds.

Click on the image below to hear the interview. I took the photo in the East End of London, somehow it makes me think of something you might see in Diagon Alley.

Imagination Illustrated by Jim Henson

I began to be more and more interested in Jim Henson's creative process a couple of years ago and received this fantastic book as a Christmas present. At the time I was struggling to make sense of the connection between creativity and money. Money was very much a thing you had to WORK for. It seemed out of reach to earn it by doing something purely creative. I read a brilliant article on about how Jim Henson had made the connection that if he made money from art, he could make more art... and something clicked. I wonder if this shift actually went some way to fuelling my creative ambitions and believing in myself more.

The book, Imagination Illustrated, contains an detailed insight into Henson's story, ideas and sketches. It's like looking into his mind. I loved finding out that the Muppet Show was turned down flat by American television and found its first home in the UK. I had never thought before about the fact that doing something that brings you so much joy will also bring joy to others. Now there's a thing.

Happy Halloween Little Pumpkins!

Sometimes when you've got a long to-do list and know the day is going to be full of juggling tasks, it's nice to get a little time out before you start. So I got up a little bit early today to give myself 20 minutes to paint. I've been drawing digitally a lot lately and felt the need to see paint on a page again. I had the radio for company and a good coffee from the cafe down the road and just 20 minutes made me feel as relaxed as if it was a Sunday : )

Happy Halloween to all little pumpkins!